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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Transformers 4 xbox 360 case mod: Completed!

Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

Oh you know... Just chilling in the bathroom, checking my phone, drinking my Monster Energy drink, when it hits me that I need to do a project today (yesterday). I haven't done a new and original project in a long time.
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

I'm sitting at my computer drawing a complete blank. I have all of my inspirational stuff surrounding me. Mighty Muggs Soundwave is just sitting there staring at me, saying, "do me do me" and I'm like "I already did you 4 years ago".
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

The it all came to me. Transformers 4! BAM. I found my image and did a little shoop de` loop.
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

Next I printed the image and made sure it would be the appropriate size.
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

It fit pretty well so I trimmed the image down.
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

Then I cut a piece of hectograph paper roughly a quarter inch bigger than the T4 image. I laid it "transfer side down". (hectograph paper is the stuff that tattoo artists use to make your tattoo stencil) I'm sure carbon paper would work just as good, but this is all I had on hand.
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

I adjusted the T4 logo dead center.
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

Then I taped it all down so it wouldn't move or slide all around. No, that's not my tiny little hand...
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

I used a straight edge to make sure my lines were perfect...
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

When you use transfer paper, it makes a perfect impression on whatever surface you're applying it to.
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

The lines were a little faint, so I traced over it again with red Sharpie.
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

ANGRY Transformers 4 xbox! I think I need a gold toof! What do you think?
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

Sitting on the desk with the transfer image in the background with the obligatory can of Monster... (dont ask)
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

I opened the case so I could get the lid on its own...
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

Here I pictured both of my Dremels, but I only used the corded one on the right. Word to the wise, please dont buy the $20 cordless Dremel. I bought one, 4 years ago, because I was on a budget. It was fine for what it was BUT the charger doesn't have an indicator letting you know when the battery is finished charging. So, if you under charge your battery, you ruin it. If you over charge your battery, you ruin it. Like I said, this was 4 years ago and maybe I got the economy model... maybe they have changed since then, but I was severely disappointing in that particular product.
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

I started by drilling a series of holes on the inside of the lines... half done.
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

After I was dont drilling the entire image, I drug the Dremel from hole to hole "cutting" out the shape.
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

Using sand paper wrapped around a plastic ruler and a set of files (Walmart, $4.99), I started to smooth down the edges.
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

Done sanding and filing...
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

After sanding the inside of the case I measured out and cut a piece of plexi glass (lexan?) to 6.5" x 7.75"
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

I removed the plastic film from the side that will be facing out. I held it tightly in place while I applied a nice, even bead of HOT GLUE around the entire perimeter of the "window" glass. I left the film on the inside of the glass while I was working so I didn't scratch it or get boogers on it or anything. When I was finished beading the edge, I removed the film completely.
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

I got a little excited here... I was finished so I just put the xbox 360 back together. The Decepticons eye was sanded and applied to the plexi with hot glue (not pictured).
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case
Transformers 4 XBOX 360 Custom Case

I have plans for this xbox 360 in the future... What they are, I don't know. This particular 360 has red ringed on me twice in the year and a half that I had it. It was given to me by a good friend. He told me that it was RRoD before he gave it to me and when I plugged it in, it booted fine. My old roommates' brother was messing around with it one day and left it on over night and a good part of the next day and it RRoD. I was pissed. I left it alone for about a month, then it booted again. I added an external hard drive to it and it worked beautifully for the next 6 months or so and RRoD on me in the middle of watching a DVD. I haven't plugged it in since.

I figured since this is just a case mod, why not use the red headed step child of my collection. It might actually work now. 

I may, or may not, use this case in the future for an original xbox mod. I have a few ideas floating around in my head as to what I can do and how I want it to work. Who knows... I might sell it on eBay or auction it off on here in a raffle and donate all of the money to a charity or something. 

As I am sitting here writing this, I'm looking over this 360. There is SO MUCH MORE that I can do. So much more that I WANT to do. Time will tell. Not bad for a 4 hour project huh?


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