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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tutorial - Add a USB port to an s-type controller

::NOTE::Since this post, the image host I was using,, has gone kaput! As in, it no longer exists! (douche bags) Please use click ::HERE::to read the updated tutorial with higher resolution pictures! This page will remain up for archival purposes! In this tutorial I will show you how to add a USB port to an s-type controller's memory port. Ingredients: - 1 wired xbox controller (s-type) - 1 female USB port - 4 lengths of wire Tools: -...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tutorial - Add an 80mm fan to a slim box

In this tutorial I will show you the best method to add a 12v 80mm fan to a slimmed xbox. (standard size slim) First I placed the fan grill onto the lid and positioned it to where I thought was dead center. I used clear tape to hold it in place so I could see the contours of the xboxs' lid. I used a Dremel to drill the holes for the screws. I went right through the tape. Next I made the fan hole. I did so by using a small drill bit to make a...