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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Build an Xbox to USB dongle! (ver.1)

In this tutorial I will show you how to make an xbox to USB dongle... and make it look factory made! There are several different ways to make an xbox to USB dongle. This is one that I came up with a few years ago. I take no credit in its originality because I'll bet that a hundred people have done it this way before me... buuut this belongs in my tutorials list, right? Right. First off we need to gather our tools to make this sexy beast: -soldering...

How to remove an xbox faceplate

In this tutorial, I will show you how to remove the faceplate from the front of an xbox AND how to remove the P/E (power / eject) board. First your xbox should look like this. If it does not, please read THIS before you start. Next I want you to locate the yellow, 10 wire, cable located on the inside of the xbox, just behind the faceplate, and remove it. (gently) Now, move to either side of the xbox and find where the faceplate latches to the...

How to open an xbox!

This project is dedicated to Greg the delivery driver. I hope this helps you out brother! You would be amazed at how many people get an xbox and want to start modding but just don't know how to open it. This tutorial is going to be the most simple tutorial in my arsenal. First you want to make sure you have the right tools. -1) Torx 20 -2) Torx 10 If they have a magnetic head, awesome. If not, you may want to consider having a driver on hand that...