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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

TUTORIAL: Repair A Frayed Controller Cable!

We have all, at some point or another, experienced this. Whether it's our own controller that just got worn, a recent eBay or craigslist purchase, or a friend or family members' controller. Time to put away that nasty old Duct tape. No more using electrical tape! Do it the right way... Start with your controller with the frayed end. Cut the cable right after that blocky thing (I don't know what else to call it). Get as close as you can using...

TUTORIAL: Add a USB Port To Your Controller!

Every once in a while we need an extra USB port for our xbox's. Some of us just NEED a USB port period! There is ALWAYS A solution... I originally did this mod because I need to get a gamesave to a thumb drive via the Pro Action Replay software on my PC and didn't have a memory unit. Since then, I have done this mod for a few people and they use it for a variety of things. Let's start! First I started with an official Micro$oft controller. I...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Past Projects: The Los Angeles Dodgers Xbox

When my best friend, Kristina, asked me if I could make a custom xbox for her boyfriends birthday, I was like "Uuum... have you seen my Deceptacon xbox? What do you want?". "Los Angeles Dogers, I'll give you $150". "When do you need it?". "Day After Tomorrow..." All I needed to buy for this project was paint, primer and sand paper... I had everything else ready to go. I started with a regular old, run of the mill softmodded console. She didn't...