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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Past Projects: Decepticon Box

This is one of my past projects called "The Decepticon Box". I posted the entire progress of this build on Xbox-Scene in 2009. Basically, it's a tricked out slim box with a Transformers Deceptacon theme. Here are some pictures: (all images will open in a new window or tab) The first thing I did was add a USB port directly under the P/E buttons. Then I removed the jewel, cut the jewel hole and cut the Deceptacon shape. Then I sanded and...

About Me

Hello, My name is Joshua Lee. I have been modding xbox consoles for 7 years (since 2005). The very first mod I did was converting an xbox controller to be used on a PC for emulators. In reading how to do so, I learned that there was a whole new world out there... A community of people modifying their xbox's in ways that I never imagined. That was the beginning of the end for me.I was reluctant, at first, to modify my console. I just paid $200 for my xbox used at EB Games in my local mall. I really didn't want to do something wrong and turn my...

Contact Me

Use this link if you find missing or broken links: Report Broken Link Use this link if you find missing or broken photos: Report Broken Photo Use this link if you find spelling or grammatical errors: Report Grammatical Error Use this link if you would like to request a mod: Request A Mod Use this link if you would like to submit a mod: Submit A M...

Request - A -Mod!

Maybe there is something that I have not covered yet that you want to see done... well this is the place to make that request! All you have to do is reply to this post with your request and I'll do what I can as fast as I can to fulfill your wishes. Thanks in advance! J...