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Friday, August 31, 2012

Like me on facebook!!!

After almost 3 years working on this blog... Hurdle after hurdle... I finally made a facebook page for this site! Please check it out and give me a like! Thanks!! ...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tutorial: How To Completely Take Apart Your Xbox

First and foremost. Please unplug everything from your xbox. You need to be sure that the power supply is completely discharged. If you're a little seasoned, you can actually hear the PSU discharge 5-15 seconds after you remove the power cord. You should hear a small, barely inaudible 'pop'. If you're new to this, you may want to wait 15 minutes to a half hour to be 100% sure. Moving on... The tools you will need: -Torx 20 (T20) -Torx 10 (T10) -Flat...

Monday, August 13, 2012

XBMC for XBOX Tip: Play mp4's Without Distortion / Problems

I have been downloading everything I get in .avi format. Why? Because it plays better on my system. I do not have HD enabled blah blah blah.... Lately, it seems, that everything is being encoded in .mp4 or .mkv. On my system mkv's do not play, or rather, DID NOT play. It was annoying. It was sooooo annoying to see everything new come out encoded to a format that I could not use on my media center. Recently, I downloaded some "Survivorman" episodes. They were mp4 format. It pissed me off because a couple of years ago, I had all three seasons in...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Xbox Game Review: Demon Stone

Release Date: November 16, 2004 MSRP: 19.99 USD T for Teen: Blood, Violence Genre: Third-Person Action Publisher: Atari Developer: Stormfront Studios In Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone, the player directs a party of three characters: Fighter, Sorcerer and Rogue. The player controls one party member at a time -- switching between them on the fly -- while the other party members are AI-controlled. For example, when the player controls the Fighter,...

Xbox Game Review: Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath Of Cortex

Release Date: April 16, 2002 MSRP: 19.99 USD E for Everyone: Mild Realistic Violence Genre: Platformer Publisher: Universal Interactive Developer: Traveller's Tales Everyone's favorite marsupial makes his GameCube debut in his biggest adventure yet. This time Neo-Cortex has had enough. Having been defeated one too many times, Cortex has developed a Super Secret weapon to finally rid himself of his arch-nemesis, Crash Bandicoot. Cortex has been...

Xbox Game Review: Castlevania: Curse Of Darkness

Release Date: November 1, 2005 MSRP: 29.99 USD M for Mature: Blood, Violence Genre: Third-Person Action Publisher: Konami Developer: Konami TYO An action-packed tale of betrayal and revenge, featuring a brand new character outside of the Belmont clan -- Hector, a Devil Forgemaster, and former Lieutenant of Dracula. Armed with the unique new abilities of Devil Forgery, gamers will be able to call upon trusty allies -– "Innocent Devils" –- who...

Xbox Game Review: Bloodrayne

Release Date: October 20, 2002 MSRP: 9.99 USD M for Mature: Realistic Violence Genre: Third-Person Adventure Publisher: Majesco Developer: Terminal Reality As the vampiric agent BloodRayne, you'll travel through the eerie swamps of Louisiana, to Argentina and Germany in this battle-heavy, third-person thriller. The game features non-linear gameplay in more than 40 levels and three massive worlds, the ability to suck blood for health, and to use...